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If you’ve ever seen a swarm of tiny flying insects hovering over a swamp or field on a warm Summer’s day, you’ve probably seen midges or Sand Flies. While there are several hundred species of midges in Australia, only a few actually could be considered “pests” because of their bite and their large breeding sites.
South East Queensland is a paradise for midges, with it’s warm climate and natural setting of tidal flats, swamps and lagoons. Being a locally based company, Pest Ex has many years of experience helping customers with effective midge control in and around Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Their treatment products are friendly to the local environment and their operators are prompt and professional.
If you think you may have an issue with midges, contact Pest Ex to schedule an appointment.
Despite their small size (generally around 1 to 4 millimeters in length), midges can be one of the hardest pests to avoid during the warmer months.
Adult midges can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and they have a fast life cycle of between 3 to 10 weeks, from egg to full grown adult. The female midge seeks out blood, and will inject saliva into a bite to prevent clotting, leading to an itchy bite mark. This means that unfortunately having a swarm of midges around your home or business can mean you may have to change your behavior outdoors.
You may need to:
Finding an infestation of midges around your property may also indicate that you have areas of standing water or boggy ground which should be investigated and taken care of. Also keep in mind that some midges can actually get past fly wire screens, so your home may not be as protected as you think it is.
Like mosquitos, midges have a nasty bite, and getting caught in a swarm of them can seriously ruin your day. Because they have similar methods of extracting blood, the bite from mosquitos and midges can have the same allergic reactions, including inflammation, itching and redness, although many people will not realize they’ve been bitten for a few hours.
In some cases, bites can produce a more severe allergic reaction with the area becoming blistered or weeping. If the bites are scratched there is also the possibility of the area becoming infected, and you should seek medical attention to ensure this is taken care of quickly.
Don’t let you or members of your family become a meal for midges – contact pest Ex today to find out how they can help you.
Checking for midges around your home or business is a matter of knowing where to find them and being able to distinguish them from other small flying insects. Because they rarely venture far from where they were born, the easiest way to find midges is to look for their favored breeding sites:
Midges are active mostly at dusk or dawn, and will congregate in areas that are relatively still and without wind disturbance. They are also attracted by light and light coloured objects.