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As anyone who has tried to enjoy a bbq or a day outside in our beautiful surroundings, flies can be a serious nuisance. Unfortunately, they can also be a dangerous health risk, for both humans and animals, and it can be the case that having a few flies buzzing around can be the sign of a larger infestation around a property.
Warmer weather is known to bring on swarms of flies because it can speed up their life cycle, and at 30 degrees Celsius, a fly can go from egg and maggot to adult fly in under 10 days. Intervening in or preventing this life cycle is critical to ensure you and your family are protected from these pests over the Spring and Summer months.
Pest Ex are one of Queensland’s most experienced pest control companies, and have been helping keep homes and businesses fly-free for over a decade. Their environmentally friendly treatment products are designed to eradicate fly infestations, as well help prevent future outbreaks of the pest.
Contact Pest Ex today to find out how they can help you become fly-free this Summer!
There are many different types of species of flies in Queensland, and there are good reasons why people consider most them to be at best, a nuisance and at worst, a health hazard. Let’s look at the main reasons why many varieties of flies are considered a pest that requires professional removal and treatment:
Apart from the transmission of bacteria from flies to food and utensils, they can also transfer viral diseases such as hepatitis A. It is also suspected that flies play a role in transferring the following diseases to humans and animals:
Considering the risks, it’s easy to see why people turn to professional help at the first sign of flies in their homes or businesses. Call Pest Ex today for fast service and a safe and effective fly solution.
Luckily flies can be easy to spot and identify, however finding their main breeding spots can be more difficult. At the first sign of flies, you should:
Killing a few flies with insect spray might get rid of the problem on a short term basis, but it will do nothing to stop the breeding cycle and prevent a full scale infestation of flies at your property. Proper identification of the flies and appropriate treatment is important to ensure that one or two flies hovering around your bbq won’t turn into a health issue.