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Big Rains continue to batter the Gold Coast from the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie. The Big Wet has created an influx of one of Australia’s most poisonous spiders – the Mouse Spider.
But don’t confuse these with a Funnel Web spider.
Mouse Spiders have been found by 2 homeowners on the Gold Coast and a public school on the Tweed in the last 48 hours. Pest-Ex warns homeowners to take extreme caution around your home of office or even schools. Its expected over the next 5-7 days these sightings will be more common.
Mouse spiders are commonly mistaken for funnel web spiders, Mouse spiders usually live on ground and will nest in underground burrows up to a meter underground. It is expected the coasts big rains have flushed these nasties out from burrows and there appearing in homes and public areas looking for alternate accommodation.
Mouse Spiders have certain characteristics that differentiate them from Funnel Web spiders, which they’re often confused with. Some of those characteristics include –
These spiders can cause severe sickness in small children, mouse spiders aren’t usually aggressive like a funnel web but will bite if poked or prodded. These spiders are dangerous to humans and the large fangs will cause a painful bite. Their toxicity can be similar to a funnel web. Call emergency 000 if bitten.
Pest-Ex have sent collected specimens for exact identification by a Brisbane entomologist and have been 100% identified as Mouse Spiders.
Residents of the South East are warned to keep a close eye out for these dangerous pests.
If you have any concerns about spiders either inside, around or near your property, be sure to give us a call at Pest-Ex. Our team of highly experienced pest control professionals can help you remove dangerous spiders quickly and effectively.
Don’t delay, protect your family’s safety today.
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